Saturday, March 28, 2015

Eat a healthy diet for fear of anemia

Eat a healthy diet for fear of anemia
Doctors said that a severe diet may lead to anemia, especially among Alenca.ofatt Dr. Anjum Mulla, Associate Consultant at Oxford Business Group Hospitals Apollo, India, that women lose about 60 to 80 ml of blood per month, so it should be more cautious in their diets, and to address the health food Amove.oadhav Mulla said: "A lot of girls gestational anemia due Tjoaahen for themselves and to follow strict food diets to lose weight," .ozkr that iron and folic acid deficiency of the main reasons behind anemia, due to follow the diet and eating takeaway much, and the presence of a diet rich in iron is not enough to improve the hemoglobin levels in the blood in the body, but what is required is the food that helps the absorption of iron in the body, especially for pregnant women.

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