Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Chickpeas .. high nutritional value!

Did you know that hummus is not only just a taste of the entrees, but it has many health benefits, which in turn also protects you from certain illnesses, and these advantages:

- Is used for generating Paul and fragmented for grit and stimulus to the nerves and the brain.

- Body stretch material with high nutritional value, as it contains high-quality protein compared to meat.

- Contains antioxidants help prevent heart disease and cancer.

- Where there are good amounts of materials that can be used by companies for the manufacture of cosmetic creams to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

- It can be used as an alternative to infant formula, because it is less productive materials allergens compared to soybean which is used in it.

- Contains amino acids, which help to lift the mood and encourages you sleep better.

- According to the body because it is rich in essential minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc.

- Is a good source of fiber that helps in maintaining a healthy digestive system.

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