Saturday, April 11, 2015

The seven-day diet for quick weight loss of excess weight

The seven-day diet for quick weight loss of excess weight

First day
The breakfast

Cup skimmed milk.
Toast diet.
The fruit of a single fruit.

The lunch

Grilled and skinless chicken.
Vegetables salad.
Cup of kiwi juice.

The dinner

A glass of skimmed milk.
Toast diet.
The fruit of a single fruit.

Second day
The breakfast

A glass of skimmed milk.
A peach.
Melon slice.
Toast Diet toasted slice.

The lunch

Cup of kiwi juice.
Vegetables salad.

The dinner

Steak grilled or boiled.
Kiwi juice.

Third day
The breakfast

Cup skimmed milk.
Toast diet.
Fruit fruit.
5 slices pineapple.

The lunch

Caesar salad.
Cup of pineapple juice or kiwi.

The dinner

A glass of skimmed milk.
Mashed potatoes without salt or seasonings.

The fourth day
The breakfast

A glass of skimmed milk.
Toast diet.
Half the fruit of grapefruit.

The lunch

Two eggs Msellouktan.
Fruit salad.

The dinner

A glass of skimmed milk.
Vegetables salad.

The fifth day
The breakfast

2 fruit fruit.
A glass of skimmed milk.

The lunch

Tuna salad free of oil and salt.
Cup of pineapple juice or kiwi.

The dinner

1 mashed potatoes without salt or seasonings.
Toast diet.
Cup of pineapple juice or kiwi.

The sixth day
The breakfast

Toast diet.
Hmamh half.
Cup of kiwi or pineapple juice.

The lunch

Vegetables salad.
The fruit of a single fruit.

The dinner

Mashed potatoes without salt or seasonings.
Grilled steak.
Cup of kiwi juice.

The seventh day
The breakfast

Toast diet.
Fruit fruit.
Khalab cup skimmed.

The lunch

Vegetables salad.
Cup of pineapple juice or kiwi.

The dinner

Mashed potatoes without salt or seasonings.
Grilled chicken slice.
Cup of kiwi or pineapple juice.

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