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Saturday, April 11, 2015

The seven-day diet for quick weight loss of excess weight

The seven-day diet for quick weight loss of excess weight

First day
The breakfast

Cup skimmed milk.
Toast diet.
The fruit of a single fruit.

The lunch

Grilled and skinless chicken.
Vegetables salad.
Cup of kiwi juice.

The dinner

A glass of skimmed milk.
Toast diet.
The fruit of a single fruit.

Second day
The breakfast

A glass of skimmed milk.
A peach.
Melon slice.
Toast Diet toasted slice.

The lunch

Cup of kiwi juice.
Vegetables salad.

The dinner

Steak grilled or boiled.
Kiwi juice.

Third day
The breakfast

Cup skimmed milk.
Toast diet.
Fruit fruit.
5 slices pineapple.

The lunch

Caesar salad.
Cup of pineapple juice or kiwi.

The dinner

A glass of skimmed milk.
Mashed potatoes without salt or seasonings.

The fourth day
The breakfast

A glass of skimmed milk.
Toast diet.
Half the fruit of grapefruit.

The lunch

Two eggs Msellouktan.
Fruit salad.

The dinner

A glass of skimmed milk.
Vegetables salad.

The fifth day
The breakfast

2 fruit fruit.
A glass of skimmed milk.

The lunch

Tuna salad free of oil and salt.
Cup of pineapple juice or kiwi.

The dinner

1 mashed potatoes without salt or seasonings.
Toast diet.
Cup of pineapple juice or kiwi.

The sixth day
The breakfast

Toast diet.
Hmamh half.
Cup of kiwi or pineapple juice.

The lunch

Vegetables salad.
The fruit of a single fruit.

The dinner

Mashed potatoes without salt or seasonings.
Grilled steak.
Cup of kiwi juice.

The seventh day
The breakfast

Toast diet.
Fruit fruit.
Khalab cup skimmed.

The lunch

Vegetables salad.
Cup of pineapple juice or kiwi.

The dinner

Mashed potatoes without salt or seasonings.
Grilled chicken slice.
Cup of kiwi or pineapple juice.

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10 kg weight loss in a month with boiled parsley ..... fitter

 kg10 weight loss in a month with boiled parsley ..... fitter
Parsley is described as an effective treatment to reduce excess weight and maintain the vitality of the body and thicken at the same time and that by eating a cup of hot parsley juice in the morning before breakfast.
Experts recall that is the work of parsley juice to bring a package of parsley and thoroughly washed and then cut up and put them in a pot with two cups of water and lift it on the fire to boiling for 5 minutes and then we liquidate him and drank hot.
Studies have shown that parsley helps to reduce the weight to be effective in dissolving accumulated fat in the body as that taken on an empty stomach helps to close the appetite and Iklhl the tendency to eat.
I tried it myself and I felt really satiety for a long time and Sawaill him that, God willing, have looked at the Web sites and found many encouraging results .... I hope I have Avdtkm and good luck

Energy drinks harmful to your child's attention!

Energy drinks harmful to your child's attention

A recent study revealed that children who consume large amounts of energy drinks and soft drinks sweetened become more vulnerable to a 66% lack of attention. The researchers explained that the results obtained support the recommendations required to limit the amount of sweetened beverages and energy drinks among school children. The researchers recommend avoiding the need for children to energy drinks, which in addition to high levels of sugar, also contain large amounts of caffeine harmful to the health of these children.

The study included more than 1649 school students, randomly selected from area schools in urban areas in the state of Connecticut. Researchers have found that boys were consuming more energy drinks than girls. Says researcher on the study, including the total number of sweetened beverages and energy is rising fast, the school children may become increasingly vulnerable to hyperactivity and attention deficit.

Friday, April 10, 2015

To protect you from heart disease .. Eat a Peach

To protect you from heart disease .. Eat a Peach

Nutrition experts advise eating peaches given special protection from the risk of chronic diseases, multiple health benefits, such as sugar and diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The results of a recent study has found that eating pome fruits such as, peach protect against metabolic syndrome and diabetes type II, heart disease and hardening of the arteries. Professor Luis Cisneros participant in the study, said eating peaches helps to reduce harmful cholesterol levels in the body, which protects it from clogging the arteries of the heart.

Liver cleaned of toxins and health drinks

Liver cleaned of toxins and health drinks
To the liver is most in touch with the User toxins within the body, it is necessary to take care of him and drinks and recipes that contribute to clean and maintain the condition. Can some health magical recipes that contribute to clean our bodies and the expulsion of toxins on a regular basis and keep us safe from various diseases, and these drinks that help to clean the toxins from the liver:

- Lemon and ginger: It is a distinctive natural recipe should be repeated every 6 months to clean the liver, through the use of one teaspoon ginger and lemon large cloves garlic Van teaspoon olive oil. The ingredients are mixed with a glass of water and after mixing are filtered using a narrow filter to keep the drink only, after which it is poured into a cup and eating in the morning, before breakfast, half an hour. And continue to eat this mixture regularly every 6 months in the liver helps clean the toxins from the aphid.

- Lemon and water only: provided that the mixture is warm, which helps regulate liver enzymes also cleans it of toxins, but the ulcer patients and those sensitive 

Important tips to get rid of negative energy

Important tips to get rid of negative energy
We are exposed in our lives to a lot of situations that integrate into our memory cells even turn into large blocks, we can not get rid of them, that these negative energy that will destroy us when you reach a certain point, and combine with a moment of weakness causing a wound does not heal with time, and with it something invisible and imperceptible, but they have a large and clear impact on our lives, and learn some of the women that headaches, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and some cases of weakness, be due to the negative energy accumulation, and this effect can not be overlooked is the best way to treat this energy, is disposal aphid is the best job tips to get rid of this negative energy follows:

- The exercise great way to unload the negative energy, as well as to charge the positive energy and activity of human, as a way to renew the movement of the body, and being a physical dump the way, as the combat movements, quick movements, feel human abilities, and make him get rid of the causes of spiritual inconvenience, also help him forget the anxiety and stress factors, and direction to discover and exploit the capabilities of his time in something away from thinking about the problems of daily pressures.

- You need to take a long exhalation and locked himself, and counting until ten, and then take it out very slowly, this exercise makes you feel that you're directed shipments and negative energy with all the same, and the secret of gravity, pressure, and helps to overcome the anger and choking.

- Negative energy arise often because of the continued failure at something, or because of a feeling of helplessness and vulnerability, and in this case we get rid of the causes, through positive thinking, and creating scope for creativity and create new ideas, if you do not Tsttiay do some work, Leave in This time, a national do something new, for example, as an industry cake and you will feel positive high card.

- Walking Hafeah foes on the soil of the sea at night.

Treat skin pills without a doctor

Treat skin pills without a doctor
If you Tmutiran on your appearance and care of your skin and remain grain is the obstacle between you and get an integrated view, the grain of all kinds of common problems that confront us at any age, which causes distress and embarrassment, especially with the girls at the age of adolescence. To treat skin grain and disposal completely These are some effective tips and home remedies:
- Tea tree oil: the use of tea tree oil to eliminate the grain must be diluted with water to 6 parts water by the amount of tea tree oil and using a piece of cotton moistened mixture paint the affected areas and leave for 20 minutes and then rinsed with warm water and follow the cream moisturizer.
Banana peels: Use banana peels in massage the skin with circular movements for two minutes, with a focus on the affected areas of skin and leave for 30 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water.
Potatoes: bode small potatoes and fruit are used in massage the skin for 5 minutes and leave the potato water on the skin for 30 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water. Tracking cream moisturizer.
Green tea: Put 2 bag of green tea in a cup of boiling water, cover the cup and left to cool completely. Then a piece of wet cotton Bmgle tea and wipe the face and rinse well. Reiterates the way three times a day.
:Important Tips to treat and prevent the grain composition again
- Choose the right skin lotion of important steps to avoid grain formation, avoid harsh detergents and choose lye neutral pH. Preferably if your skin is prone to choose the pills lye compendium herbs, tea tree oil, lemon, or herb neem.
- Make sure to change the bed cover on a regular basis is one of the main reasons for the recurrence of the infection. As well as Aim for yourself with a towel change constantly.
- Avoid exposure to sunlight for a long time and make sure to apply sunscreen before going out.
- Do not try to put pressure on grain or touching it, it helps to spread.
- Eat a cup of genitive little lemon juice in the morning to purify the body and the skin of toxins water.

The smell of your body reveal the type of illness

The smell of your body reveal the type of illness
Body odors launched by the patient's body is different and there is scientific evidence to prove that every disease has a distinct smell, for example, TB patients out of their bodies like the smell of fermented barley, while sick with diabetes releasing from her mouth very smelly because of the amount of acetone. The sense of smell is the first observer to some diseases. A number of Swedish researchers have worked on the analysis of the human ability to pay attention to the disease through sniff odors secreted by the human body, has been shown that bacteria are the cause of all the smell of the body, and each type of bacteria smell of their own. The scientists injected active spores, which is a catalyst for rapid immune system (polysaccharide), in 8 healthy people volunteered for this research and other injected with a solution of normal saline. The immune system of those who were injected with Balschrid by high fevers have responded, presented an examination of them can be seen then that there molecules are linked to the immune system in the event of a clear growth. So when you feel the smell of your body curious about you, you go to the doctor for Ttminy on your health.

How do you know your child's ability to lack of vision?

How do you know your child's ability to lack of vision
Every mother advised to check the safety of your child's view because of the approaching exams last year. Some children are not able to concentrate in class and absorb the lesson because of the weakness of the whole matter is suffering. Considering the weakness of the most common eye among children and causes a decline in their level of academic problems. Give importance to the health of the child's eyes will protect your child from this problem. Considering the weakness is the difficulty seeing words or things or even distant images clearly. Genetics play a role in the child's injury this problem. The overkill today's children in the use of electronic devices expose them to infection weakness of view. Light emitted from these devices lead to eye strain with time, causing impaired vision.
As for the symptoms of this problem when the child is represented in the child's first book download is close to his face and not being able to watch TV from a distance and absorbed the decline in school. Some children may suffer from dizziness and pain in the head because of this problem. Presentation of the Child on the eye doctor helps in relieving them of this problem through the description private health condition eyes glasses if he was suffering from weakness in the matter. It should be noted that the child presented to the doctor early, increases the likelihood of recovery. Do not hesitate to check your child's eyes during this period and repeat this test every year in order to make sure that your child's view is fine and can follow the lesson in class quite like the rest of his comrades.

Turmeric treats heart disease

Turmeric treats heart disease
Scientific study emphasized the importance of the benefits of turmeric seeds recovered in the elimination of sugar, pressure, and heart disease. The study showed the importance of the high level of antioxidants in the body which is found in turmeric seeds recovered and have many health benefits as anti-inflammatory, as well as it helps to reduce cholesterol and improve blood vessel health and active body circulation and helps digestion and fights parasites found in the intestines, especially after the high incidence of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and blood vessels between the Egyptians recently. The study pointed out that the recovered seeds powder better effect in lowering blood sugar levels and cholesterol, kidney and low cholesterol and also high high-density cholesterol while turmeric powder scored better effect in the low level of "peroxide" fat.

Avkadi weight without hunger!

Avkadi weight without hunger!

A group of nutrition experts hacks foods name on 10 types of foods because they contain enzymes and properties help to reduce weight as well as a high nutritional value. These foods give a feeling of satiety, thanks to fiber that saturated them, are as follows:

- Eating half of the grapefruit before each meal helps to lose 450 grams of body weight per week, where he works to reduce the rate of insulin, which in turn stores fat in the body, in addition to being a good source of protein and fluids that help feeling of fullness.

- One cup of beans contains 15 grams of protein, which is free of saturated fats found in other protein sources proteins.

- Oatmeal is rich in fiber that causes a sense of fullness, and it is recommended to take only half a cup.

- Avocado is rich in fiber and protein, and is recommended when you feel hungry to eat a quarter or half of the avocado to a feeling of fullness, which is at the same time help to melt the fat, especially in the abdominal area.

- Salmon contains a high proportion of monounsaturated fat, which helps you feel full.

- Red beans provide protein necessary for the body, fiber, nutrition experts have confirmed that eating half a cup of red beans a day on a regular basis helps alone lose 2 grams of weight.

- Classified as being of vegetables broccoli, which protect against infection of cancer, in addition to its ability to lose weight, so rich in fiber, which helps you feel full.

- It is recommended to eat brown rice instead of white counterpart, where half a cup of brown rice contains 1.7 grams of resistant starch, which is a source of carbohydrates and health, to promote the metabolism and help burn fat.

- One study has shown that women who drank three beads Pear daily consume many fewer calories and lose more than others by weight, and that due to its pear fiber helps you feel full, and advised taking it without removing the shell, because it is richer in fiber segment.


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